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18 October 2009

CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY - a love that passeth all understanding

Michael Moore's latest assault on the establishment isn't going to win him any new friends. His expose of how the cosy relationship between politicians and big financial institutions (Goldman Sachs in particular) lead to last year's meltdown on Wall Street willl reinforce the opinion of those who paint him as an anti-American muckraker. He doesn't pussyfoot around in blaming deregulated capitalism for the recession which has cost millions of jobs and hundreds of thousands of Americans their homes.
CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY certainly made my blood boil, but not for the same reasons that enrage the Dittoheads. Moore cuts through the almost impenetrable thicket that is the modern financial market to spell out in very simple terms how the American dream was hijacked by a few big institutions to benefit themselves at considerable expense to the rest of us.
He explains how the belief that hard work will be rewarded with financial and material success has been corrupted by capitalism into naked greed, encouraging millions to live beyond their means with easy credit and loans, the terms for which almost no ordinary person could understand. While the carrot of wealth was dangled in front of us - seemingly attainable but in reality always just out of reach - a few people did get rich quick, and they were the creators of these complicated financial instruments. When their creations finally careered out of control in the fall of 2008 and, like Frankenstein's Monster, destroyed the castles of Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns et al, the Barons of these ruined establishments escaped with not just their lives but also a huge stash of loot. It was us ordinary folk who were the real victims.
While Moore is rightly angry at this state of affairs he hasn't lost his sense of humour. This film will make you laugh and seethe, unless of course you're someone who still believes the sun shone out of Reagan's wrinkly rear end in which case you'll simply spit blood at Moore's effrontery in criticising St Ron and his Gospel of Trickle Down Economics.
I'll admit I was a little wary about parting with cash to see this film. Economics was never my strong point in school and - let's be honest - the subject does have the potential to be considerably duller than dishwater. But Moore has created a film which not only got my dander up but which also held me almost spellbound until the absolute end. Whatever your political persuasion CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY will not leave you unmoved.

1 comment:

  1. That's a very concise and succinct synopsis of a film that I haven't been able to stop thinking about. Moore sure gets it right. Time for a collective response and maybe a few heads on pikes.
